Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hero is spelled: Isaac Pallini

Ella and her hero - her brother, Isaac

While anticipating the birth of our second child, I knew that there would be changes in the dynamics of our little family, but had no idea how many.  Gabriella was born with an extra 21st chromosome, also known as Down syndrome.  When she was born, some of us celebrated, while others mourned.  Our son, Isaac, celebrated the most.  He was nearly three when she was born and until he was 5 ½ he never knew the term Down syndrome.  He just knew that God gave him the sister he had always wanted.  To this day, Isaac is her biggest cheerleader. Although his life has been filled with attending Ella’s therapy appointments and doctor visits, he rarely complains.  He’s the first to stick up for her, the first to recognize her accomplishments and without a doubt, shows the world what unconditional love looks like.  I often look at him and wish that the world would be filled with many more people that have his view on life. Oh what a beautiful world that would be.  Isaac is my hero because he has taught me how to love deeper and celebrate accomplishments, big and small.

Lisa Pallini is one of the original "founding" members of Mommies of Miracles and mom to Isaac and Ella (who has Down Syndrome).  She is a fierce advocate for children with Down Syndrome, and year after year has the largest fundraising team  for the Columbus, Ohio  Buddy Walk.  She is a wife, Christian - who is active in her church, school volunteer, social worker, and avid scrapbooker.

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